How to download/transfer files from OCI Object Storage to Oracle Autonomous Database Directory such as DATA_PUMP_DIR


4 min read

This article guides you with the commands for downloading multiple files together from OCI Object Storage to Oracle Autonomous Database Directory Object such as DATA_PUMP_DIR.

Remember that we don't have OS access for our Autonomous Serverless Database. So, to download the files from OCI Object Storage to Autonomous Database DATA_PUMP_DIR directory, use the package called "DBMS_CLOUD".

  1. Let's first see the list the files stored in your Autonomous Database DATA_PUMP_DIR directory.

     set lines 250 pages 5000
     col object_name format a60
     col created format a40
     col last_modified format a40
     SELECT object_name, bytes, created, last_modified FROM DBMS_CLOUD.LIST_FILES('DATA_PUMP_DIR');
     -- Output:
     no rows selected
     -- Currently, there are no files in my DATA_PUMP_DIR location.
  2. Now let's see how to download a single file from your OCI Bucket to Autonomous Database DATA_PUMP_DIR location. So, to do that, we should use a procedure called "DBMS_CLOUD.GET_OBJECT". And, before that, let me first show you the list of files which I am having in my Bucket Storage. And then you can use the following PL/SQL code to download a particular file called "potential_churners.csv".

    In the below screenshot, copy the URL as that will be passed in the PL/SQL code. If this is not working for some reason, then you can create a PAR url and then use that URL in the code.

        credential_name => 'MY_CLOUD_CREDENTIAL', -- Here, You should pass the already created Credential Name.
        object_uri => '',
        directory_name => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR');
  3. Let's again verify the list of files from DATA_PUMP_DIR directory. You may observe, from the output, that the file "potential_churners.csv" is now downloaded from your OCI Bucket Storage to Autonomous Database DATA_PUMP_DIR location.

     set lines 250 pages 5000
     col object_name format a60
     col created format a40
     col last_modified format a40
     SELECT object_name, bytes, created, last_modified FROM DBMS_CLOUD.LIST_FILES('DATA_PUMP_DIR');
     -- Output:
     OBJECT_NAME                                                       BYTES CREATED                                  LAST_MODIFIED
     ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
     potential_churners.csv                                          2268419 07-JUL-24 AM +00:00      07-JUL-24 AM +00:00
  4. Let's now see how to download multiple files together from your OCI Bucket Storage to Oracle Autonomous Database DATA_PUMP_DIR location. So, to do that, we should use the procedure called "DBMS_CLOUD.BULK_DOWNLOAD". And, in this procedure, I am using a parameter called "regex_filter" using which you can download multiple files together. And, in this example, I am downloading all the PDF files together.

          credential_name => 'MY_CLOUD_CREDENTIAL',
          location_uri    => '',
          directory_name  => 'DATA_PUMP_DIR',
          regex_filter  => '.*\.pdf');
  5. Let's again verify the list of files from DATA_PUMP_DIR directory. You may observe, from the output, that all the PDF files from your OCI Bucket Storage is now downloaded to your Autonomous Database DATA_PUMP_DIR location.

     set lines 250 pages 5000
     col object_name format a60
     col created format a40
     col last_modified format a40
     SELECT object_name, bytes, created, last_modified FROM DBMS_CLOUD.LIST_FILES('DATA_PUMP_DIR');
     -- Output:
     OBJECT_NAME                                                       BYTES CREATED                                  LAST_MODIFIED
     ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
     Oracle_Autonomous_Database.pdf                                 25701941 07-JUL-24 AM +00:00      07-JUL-24 AM +00:00
     ElectronicBanking_ADB2426.pdf                                    448343 07-JUL-24 AM +00:00      07-JUL-24 AM +00:00
     Oracle_AI_Vector_Search_User_Guide.pdf                          2956343 07-JUL-24 AM +00:00      07-JUL-24 AM +00:00
     potential_churners.csv                                          2268419 07-JUL-24 AM +00:00      07-JUL-24 AM +00:00
     Sample-Sales-Data.pdf                                            122279 07-JUL-24 AM +00:00      07-JUL-24 AM +00:00
     SavingsInvestment_ADB2852.pdf                                   1118930 07-JUL-24 AM +00:00      07-JUL-24 AM +00:00
     Oracle_Database_23ai_Concepts.pdf                              10302049 07-JUL-24 AM +00:00      07-JUL-24 AM +00:00
     Installing_Oracle_Analytics_Server.pdf                           638750 07-JUL-24 AM +00:00      07-JUL-24 AM +00:00
     8 rows selected.
  6. Additionally, if you want to see the Bulk Downloading Operation details, you can use the dictionary view called "user_load_operations". The following SQL can be used to identify the bulk-downloaded operation details.

     set lines 250 pages 5000
     col owner_name format a18
     col type format a15
     col start_time format a40
     col update_time format a40
     col status_table format a20
     SELECT owner_name, type, status, start_time, update_time, status_table, rows_loaded FROM user_load_operations WHERE type = 'DOWNLOAD';
     -- Output:
     OWNER_NAME         TYPE            STATUS    START_TIME                               UPDATE_TIME                              STATUS_TABLE         ROWS_LOADED
     ------------------ --------------- --------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- -----------
     "BASBABU"          DOWNLOAD        COMPLETED 07-JUL-24 AM +00:00      07-JUL-24 AM +00:00      DOWNLOAD$2_STATUS              7

    Thank you for reading this article. Hope, it is useful to progress your work.