How to Install ORDS for the Oracle Database


3 min read

This article helps you to install ORDS for the Oracle Database. The commands that are shown here is for the Multitenant Architecture. i.e. The ORDS is installed at the PDB level.

You can either download the software to your laptop and then copy it to the Linux Server or if your server has access to the Internet, then you can use ‘wget’ linux command to download the software directly in the Server itself. Login to the Putty terminal as ‘oracle’ operation system (OS) user and then run the below command. Sample screenshot with the output of the command is also given below.

$ wget

The above command will download a zip file for installing the ORDS 23.4 version.

Step 2: Unzip the ORDS zip file that you have downloaded from above step:

$ unzip

# Add the below lines in ".bash_profile" file

export ORDS_HOME=/u01/app/ords
export ORDS_CONFIG=/u01/app/ords
export JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dconfig.url=/u01/app/ords
export PATH=$PATH:$ORDS_HOME/bin

$ cd
$ vi .bash_profile

export ORDS_HOME=/u01/app/ords #This is the ORDS unzipped location
export ORDS_CONFIG=/u01/app/ords #This is the ORDS unzipped location
export JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dconfig.url=/u01/app/ords
export PATH=$PATH:$ORDS_HOME/bin

<save the file>

$ source .bash_profile

Step 4: Install the ORDS now

Prior to running the install command, ensure to collect the information like Database SYS user password, the Database TNS Connection Service String for the PDB container database and the Database Listener Port#.

$ cd /u01/app/ords  # cd to ORDS unzipped location
$ mkdir conf  # Create a directory called 'conf'

$ ords --config /u01/app/ords/conf install

The above command will prompt you few questions like HOSTNAME, PORT, SERVICE NAME, SYS user password, etc. I am providing the sample screenshot below:

After providing the inputs for all the prompts, it will start installing the ORDS. You will finally see “VALID” status as like in below screenshot.

Step 5: Add the 8080 Port to IPTABLES.

Run the below commands as ‘root’ operating system (OS) user

[root@bbabu ~]$ iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
[root@bbabu ~]$ service iptables save
[root@bbabu ~]$ service iptables reload

Step 6: Test the ORDS with the below URL format


If the page is opened successfully, then you will see a screen similar to the below one:

You can click on any tool like “APEX” or “SQL Developer Web” or “OAuth2 Administration” and start working on the relevant tool.


If in case, the ORDS is down, you can start it up using the below command.

$ # cd <ORDS_installed_location>
$ # nohup ords --config <ords_config_location> serve &

$ cd /u01/app/ords
$ nohup ords --config /u01/app/ords/conf serve &

After starting it up, you should see “VALID” status as like above.